Uterine Abnormalities Treatment

Uterus developing into an unusual shape is called a "Uterine Abnormality", or "Abnormality of the Uterus".
It's something you're born with. About 5 in 100 Females (5 percent) are born with a defect in the size, shape or structure of the Uterus.

Mullerian agenesis (Absent of Uterus)
Uterus is not present, Vagina only rudimentary or absent. The patient with this condition will have primary Amenorrhea.
Unicornuate Uterus (A one-sided Uterus)
Unicornuate means "one horn" as there is only one Fallopian Tube.
And one side of the Müllerian duct forms and in imaging system, the Uterus look like
a banana in shape.
Uterus Didelphis (Double Uterus)
The Uterus is divided into two, and each may lead to its own Cervix and Vagina. Müllerian duct develop but fails to fuse, thus the patient has a "double Uterus".
Bicornuate Uterus (Uterus with two horns)
Instead of the Uterus being pear-shaped, this type of Uterus is called heart shaped Uterus, with a deep indentation at the top. It is called a Uterus with two horns.
Septated Uterus (Uterine Septum or Partition)
Septate Uterus is the inside of the Uterus divided by a Muscular or Fibrous wall that is called Septum. The Septum may extend partly into the Uterus is partial Septate Uterus or it may reach as far as the Cervix is complete septate Uterus. About 1 Woman in 50 Women is affected.
Arcuate Uterus
This is a very common abnormality, where there is small indentation or dip at the top of Uterus. Otherwise, this looks like as same as a normal Uterus, and does not usually affect any problems during Pregnancy.
Anteverted or Retroverted Uterus
It is called a "Tipped Uterus", this tilt forward, towards your bladder is called Anteverted, or backward towards your spine is called Retroverted.
In most common cases, Uterine Abnormalities do not show any symptoms. Many Women do not even realize that they suffer from Uterine abnormalities until a Pelvic examination or Ultrasound is done. Some of the symptoms included are,
• Experience of Pain during intercourse
• Irregular period
• Infertility
• Recurrent Miscarriages
• Abdominal pain during menses

• Premature birth
This is the birth that happens too early, before 37 weeks of Pregnancy
• Birth defects
This is deformation birth defects that may be caused by limiting growth of parts of a baby in the Womb causing those parts to be deformed. Birth defects are the health conditions that are present at birth. Birth defects change the shape and function of one or more parts of the body. They can also cause problems in overall body health, it affects the body development, or in the body works.
• Miscarriage
Breech position
Because of baby may not settle into the usual head-down position if your Uterus is in an unusual shape. So Breech position or other problems with the baby's position in the Uterus. Breech position is when your baby's bottom or feet are facing down right before birth.
• Cesarean birth
It is also called as C-section. This is a surgery in which your baby is born through a cut that your doctor makes in your belly and uterus.
• Baby's growth will also be decreased
Health care provider uses special tests to find Uterine conditions. You may need more than one test to figure out which condition you have. The tests are included
In this examination your health care provider will check your physical condition to identify your Uterine Abnormalities.
Vaginal or 3-D ultrasound
An ultrasound is a prenatal test that uses sound waves and a computer screen to show an image of your baby inside the uterus. A vaginal ultrasound is done in the Vagina instead of on the outside of your belly. A 3-D ultrasound makes an image that's almost as clear as a photograph.
In this test, your Physician puts salt water into the uterus through the cervix and then does a vaginal ultrasound. The salt water allows a clearer image of the inside of the Uterus than a regular ultrasound. The cervix is the opening to the uterus that sits at the top of the vagina. You should undergo this test after confirming that you are not pregnant.
Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)
In this test, your doctor inserts dye into the cervix and then takes an X-ray of the Uterus. With this test, your health care provider can check your cervix, fallopian tube and Uterus. Fallopian Tubes are the tubes between your ovaries and your Uterus. You should undergo this test after confirming that you are not Pregnant.
Magnetic resonance imaging
It is also called as MRI. It is a medical test that makes a detailed image of inside abdomen. It's highly accurate and clearly diagnoses most Uterine Abnormalities.
There are no non-surgical treatments for Congenital Uterine Abnormality. Recommendations for surgical treatment of Congenital Uterine Abnormality depend on the particular problem and the woman's reproductive history. In Surgical management is the last resort and is often recommended to women who suffer from Uterine Abnormality that cannot be cured with either Hormone Therapy or Medication. In some cases, minimally invasive surgical procedure such as Laparoscopy or Hysteroscopy is also performed.
We at Sakthi Fertility provide all under one roof. It serves as one of the best centers for Assisted Reproductive Technology treatment in Udumalpet, Coimbatore and many infertile couples are benefitted with our fertility treatment and have a complete family. Sakthi Fertility center has skilled specialists in infertility treatment, Pollution free environment, innovative financing programs, and patient friendly and provides the best services to fulfil the patient's dream of having a baby. It has treated multiple number of Uterine Abnormalities in Udumalpet, Coimbatore and Tamilnadu, India region.
For More Information: +91 96 26 200 600
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