Stem Cell Banking in Tamilnadu

Stem Cells are present in the Umblical Cord blood that can grow into blood vessels, organs, and tissues. The childs power lies in the Stem cells present in the Umblical Cord blood. Cord blood banking is the process of safely preserving these life saving Stem cells after childbirth which can protect the child.
Hematopoietic and Mesenchymal Stem cells has the power to heal and renew the damaged tissues and organs in the body and the researchers found that the Umblical Cord blood and cord tissue are the richest source of the Stem cells. The Stem cell has no expiry date, if it is preserved properly and it can be used anytime in the future as the need arises. Banking umbilical cord Stem cells is a once in a lifetime opportunity and hence it has to be performed right after childbirth.
For Stem cell banking, you have two main options:
• The baby's cord blood can be donated to the needy persons
• The baby's cord blood can be preserved by paying to the Stem cell bank for the family's future use
Stem cells are characterized into two types
The ability of Self renewal
The ability to change into specialized cells called Differentiation
Embryonic Stem Cells: These cells are obtained by the inner mass of Blastocyst and it can be differentiated into all types of specialized cells in the body.
Tissue Stem Cells
Tissue Stem cells can grow, heal and replace the worn out cells. eg, muscles, bone and blood, nervous syStem and skin.
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
Cells from a person is Genetically reprogrammed and the modified cells begin to gain the ability to self renew and differentiate like Embryonic Stem cells.
Cord blood is collected right after the birth. The collection process is painless and safe for the mother and the baby, and it doesn't interfere in any way with the labor or delivery. The parents are unaware of collecting the Cord blood because the time of collecting is very quick and painless process. It doesn't interfere with the holding and bonding with their new born baby.
Clamping and Cutting the Cord
After delivering the baby's Cord is clamped and cut by the doctor in the usual way either the delivery is by Vaginal or C-section clamp you've delivered your baby. Delayed clamping is beneficial for the new borns but delayed clamping may affect the volume and quality of cells collected for donating or storing Cord Blood.
Extracting the Cord Blood
The doctor will collect 1-5ounces of blood from the cord in the sterile container kit to avoid contamination. It is a painless process for both mother and baby. The entire process takes less than 10 minutes.
The collected blood in the steriled container is sent to a laboratory, where it is tested, processed, and Cryopreserved (preserved by controlled freezing) for long-term storage if deemed acceptable according to quality standards. The identification of the sample is verified by the lab technician to ensure that the sample belongs to the right client.
If the patient offers the segment of Umbilical Cord is also collected and preserved with the Cord blood in the Stem cell storage in Coimbatore at Sakthi Fertility. Umbilical Cord tissue contains Stem cells that are different from Cord blood Stem cells, and researchers are studying their possible use in Stem cell research centre at Coimbatore. All the steps are performed in a biohazard safety zone to further eliminate the risk of contamination.
The processed sample is exposed to a gradual freezing process which is important because it keeps the cells alive during the Cryopreservation process. After freezing, the sample is transferred to a Liquid nitrogen storage tank. The protocols used for the Cryopreservation process have largely been adapted from those originally designed for Bone marrow Hematopoietic Stem cells.
Regenerative medicine is a medical research field of developing treatments to repair the damaged or diseased tissue in the body. A persons own Stem cells can be infused safely into that individual without being rejected by the body's Immune system - and because they have unique characteristics compared to other sources of Stem cells - they are an increasing focus of Regenerative Medicine research. Possible future uses in the field of Regenerative Medicine includes repairing heart tissue, birth defects, and other damaged tissues.
We have our inbuilt lab in Udumalpet, Coimbatore to carry out all infertility related tests, including Semen Testing. Our expert lab technicians, along with the latest apparatus ensure error-free and timely report generation.
We at Sakthi Fertility provides all under one roof. It serves as one of the best centers for Assisted Reproductive Technology treatment in Udumalpet, Coimbatore and many infertile couples are benefitted with our fertility treatment and have a complete family. Sakthi Fertility centre has skilled specialist in infertility treatment, Pollution free environment, innovative financing programs, and patient friendly and provides best services to fulfil the patient's dream of having a baby
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