Fallopian Tube Surgery in Tamilnadu

Fallopian Tube Recanalization (FTR) is a surgical procedure to connect the Fallopian Tubes which has been previously disconnected during Female sterilization. It is a minimally invasive Fallopian Tubal Procedure. Recanalization is the medical term for re-opening.

The Fallopian Tubes are important for restoring Female Fertility. They are the passage ways for the eggs to travel from the ovaries to the uterus during conception
• The ovary releases an egg, which travels into the Fallopian tube. So if the tube is blocked, there is no travel of egg into the Fallopian Tube
• Sperm travels into the Fallopian Tubes to fertilize the egg. So the tube is already blocked means, then it is the absence of sperm travel in the Fallopian Tube
• The resulting embryo is nourished and transported to the uterus where the Pregnancy continues. If the Fallopian tube is blocked it is not possible
A common cause of Female Infertility is a blockage of the Fallopian Tubes during surgery. So Fallopian Tube Recanalization is one of the best methods to release tubal blockage and helps to conceive.
• Active uterine bleeding
• Active pelvic infection
• Recent surgery
• Current Pregnancy

• 2 days before your Tubal Recanalization Procedure, your Gynaecologist will prescribe an antibiotic called Doxycycline to be taken twice a day
• You will feel like Tubal Recanalization Procedure is sometimes uncomfortable (though usually much less than a Hysterosalpingogram, owing to much more delicate equipment being used), an intravenous line is placed prior to the procedure
• Some short-acting medications will be given for relaxation and pain relief. So for this reasons, you will be instructed not to eat anything after midnight and the night before the procedure. You will be asked to take Ibuprofen 400 mg (2 pills), the night before and the morning of your procedure
Fallopian Tube is a 4cm long tube which will be disconnected during the Female sterilization procedure.
During Recanalization, the divided tubal ends will be refashioned and anatomized with the very tiny sutures to restore the continuity of the egg passage.
This is usually done with the help of magnification lenses to aid high precision.
More than 80% of the time, we can reopen at least one blocked Fallopian Tube and restore normal function.
• The procedure will be take about half an hour
• After completing the procedure you will be able to leave after half an hour
• Tubotubal Anastomosis - both ends are connected by open surgery
• Tubal Reimplantation - tubes are implanted inside uterus
• Neofimbrioplasty - new tubes are created
• Mini-Laparotomy Tubal Reversal - same procedure done through small incision
• Microsurgical Tubal Reanastomosis (MTR)
• Laparoscopic Tubal Reversal - commonly done at Sakthi Fertility with the help of laparoscope with keyhole surgery method
• Robotic Assisted Tubal Reversal
• Little spotting for a day or two after the procedure is completed and this is the common side effect of the Fallopian Tube Recanalization
If you experience these following side effects then, please contact your Gynaecologist immediately.
• Pain
• Cramps
• High or mild Fever
• Vaginal discharge
Tubal Reversal success rates vary widely depending upon many factors like
• Women's age
• Methods of Tubal ligation that they had performed
• Experience of the Surgeon and techniques for repairing the tubes
• Length of follow-ups after Reversal Surgery among other factors
We Sakthi Fertility provide all under one roof. It serves as one of the best centers for Assisted Reproductive Technology treatment in Udumalpet, Coimbatore and many infertile couples are benefitted with our fertility treatment and have a complete family. Sakthi Fertility centre has skilled specialists in infertility treatment, Pollution free environment, innovative financing programs, and patient friendly and provides the best services to fulfil the patient's dream of having a baby. We have modern instruments with World class sterilizing standards, hence the chances of occurrence of infection is very minimal. We have performed multiple Tubal Recanalisation procedure with high success rate at very affordable cost in Udumalpet, Tirupur, Tamilnadu, India.
For More Information: +91 96 26 200 600
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