Ejaculatory Failure Treatment

Normally Ejaculation of semen occurs due to stimulation.
Ejaculatory failure means inability to ejaculate the semen even though there is adequate penile stimulation; it is commonly confused with Erectile Dysfunction. In Erectile Dysfunction,there is inability to develop or maintain the erection, where as in Ejaculatory failure there is no semen ejaculated even after proper stimulation of penis by intercourse or masturbation.
Semen has to be deposited high up in vagina for fertilizing the ovum; Ejaculatory Failure can be one of the causes of infertility.

It can be situational or total,
Situational Anejaculation - In this condition the man is able to ejaculate in some situations but not in others. Usually it is caused by stress.
Example1, a man who can ejaculate normally at home may be unable to do so in the clinic because he is self conscious and anxious.
Example2, a man who can ejaculate during intercourse but is unable to do so to collect a sample by
Total Anejaculation - in this a man can never ejaculate in any circumstances.
It can be
Anorgasmic Anejaculation - these men never reach orgasm in the waking state (either by masturbation or by intercourse), and hence do not ejaculate. However, he can ejaculate in sleep(nocturnal ejaculation). There is no physical defect.
Orgasmic Anejaculation - these men can reach and experience orgasm but cannot ejaculate, either because there is failure of emission of semen (due to a block in the tubes or damage to the nerves) or because there is retrograde ejaculation (flow of semen back into the bladder due to weakness of the bladder neck).
If you have any problem with ejaculation, seek for medical help.
Consult a fertility clinician to find the possible cause and solution.
• Complete Physical examination of the genitalia and testicles for structural problems
• Should collect the Semen sample for evaluation of sperm presence and health
• Post-ejaculate urine sample if no ejaculate was produced
• Take sample for Hormonal testing
• Transrectal Ultrasound(TRUS): it is used to look for structural problems
The main goal of treatment is to retrieve sperm for Artificial Insemination.
• Psychological causes:
SituationalAnejaculation is the cause of psychological problem; it can be treated by simple measures such as psychological or sexual counseling.
• Physical causes:
1. Advised to take offlabel drugs can help the bladder neck muscle remain closed during ejaculation, it is preventing ejaculate from goingback into the bladder.
2. In Assisted reproductive technologies, such as Intrauterine Insemination, one form of Artificial Insemination, it may be used to work around Retrograde Ejaculation. This can involve procedures to retrieve the sperm from the male's body and place it in the female's uterus or inject directly into an egg in her ovary (ICSI - Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection).
3. Penile vibrator is used for physical causes of an ejaculation; it can be treated by the use of a vibrator. With this treatment, vibrations travel sensory nerves to the spinal cord to stimulate the ejaculation. A specially designed vibrator applies vibrations to the tip of the penis and the immediate surrounding area. Vibrator stimulation results in ejaculation in about 70% of men. In men with spinal cord injuries, based on the level of injury, this technique may notwork.
4. Electro Ejaculation:
ElectroEjaculation is one of theprocedures, where an electrical current is applied to the ejaculatory nerve plexus through the rectum to stimulate ejaculation in men with no physical defects. If nerves are damaged, then applying this procedure has an 85% success rate.
We at Sakthi Fertility provide Quality treatment at affordable cost. We provide the best counseling and consultation for Ejaculatory failure with a specializedAndrologistand Sexologist. Our fertility specialists perform best in pregnancy care, infertility treatment in Udumalpet, Coimbatore. It serves as one of the best centers for assisted reproductive technology treatment in Udumalpet, Coimbatore and many infertile couples are benefitted with our fertility treatment. Sakthi Fertility center has skilled specialists in infertility treatment, Pollution free environment, innovative financing programs, and patient friendly and provides best services to fulfil the patient's dream of having a baby. It has treated multiple cases of Ejaculatory failure in Udumalpet, Coimbatore, and Tamilnadu, India region.
For More Information: +91 96 26 700 900
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