Pregnancy or Gestation is developing an offspring inside a women's uterus. Pregnancy is the period from conception to birth in women's uterus after the egg is fertilized by a sperm and then the ovum is implanted in the lining of the uterus. The ovum gets developed into the placenta and Embryo and then later into a fetus. Pregnancy usually lasts for 40 weeks. Pregnancy begins from the first day of women's last menstrual period and it's divided into three trimesters. At Sakthi Fertility, our team of experienced healthcare professionals are dedicated in offering the best Pregnancy care hospital in Udumalpet, Palani, Pollachi, Coimbatore and Tamilnadu, India. First minute baby care with a experienced Pediatric specialists in Udumalpet, Tamilnadu.
First trimester – conception to 12 weeks of Pregnancy
Second trimester – 13 to 28 weeks of Pregnancy
Third trimester - 29 to 40 weeks of Pregnancy
Every woman is different during Pregnancy. Symptoms are:
Many women experience light spotting during Pregnancy. It may be a sign of implantation of fertilized embryo. Sometimes it may be a sign of Ectopic Pregnancy.
Breast Tenderness
Some women experience sore breast due to Hormonal changes for preparing your breast ducts for milk secretion for feeding your baby.
Due to increased Progesterone Hormone during Pregnancy, it slows down the intestinal movements and extra iron during Pregnancy also causes Constipation. This can be relieved by taking Fiber rich foods and extra fluids.
Mood swings
Joy and Sad changes occurs alternatively due to Hormonal changes.
Food cravings and Aversions
Craving for foods is ok but craving for non foods like like clay, mud, laundry starch, chalk are to be notified to your doctor.
Frequent urination
As your uterus grows in size, it puts on pressure over bladder and make you to go to the restroom often. Don't stop drinking of water due to feeling of frequent urination.
As the uterus grows, it occupies the area in your abdomen and compresses the lungs which causes shortness of breathing.
You may feel the movement of baby inside, known as Quickening.
Stretch Marks
As your tummy grows bigger, stretch marks will appear.
Sex Drive Due to increased Oestrogen hormone in your body, your sex drive will be increased.
Increased Fatigue
Expanding uterus rearranges the organs and adds more strain which causes fatigue.
Back Pain
Due to expansion of your tummy, posture will be changed and Relaxin hormone loosens the joints which causes back pain.
Uterus occupies most of the abdominal cavity and pushes the stomach upward to throat and it causes Heartburn.
Frequent Urination
As your uterus grows in size, it puts on pressure over bladder and make you to go to the restroom often.
Swollen Feet & Legs
Fluid retention in legs & feet due to weakening of valves in the blood vessels.
At Sakthi Fertility, our team of experienced healthcare professionals are dedicated in offering Comprehensive and Compassionate care that includes
• Counseling before Conception and Genetic counseling
• Investigation before Pregnancy and diagnosis
• Maternity services and High-risk Pregnancy consultation
• Advanced Non Invasive 4D Ultrasound scan & Doppler
• Antenatal counseling regarding Diabetes, Hypertension & Nutrition
• Importance of Lactation and consultation about Pregnancy
• Psychosocial assessment and lifestyle management
Women experiences extreme joy & dreams of expectations during Third Trimester. Women's with other disease condition or multiple pregnancies can have fear & uncertainty. For them, they need more care and counseling for good health.
1. Keep yourself hydrated. Drink atleast 8 glasses of water per day
2. Keep your blood sugar level up by eating plenty of healthy foods & protein rich foods. Have frequent small meals
3. Take rest more at night & atleast 2 hours at daytime
4. Have regular exercises & walking for relaxing your muscles
5. Have a positive thinking alway.
6. Have regular checkups to a doctor, monthly once for first 5 months, monthly twice for 6-8 months & weekly checkup from 9th month till delivery
7. Have Folic acid, Iron & Calcium tablets
8. Have TT injections during Pregnancy
9. Have 3 Ultrasound scans to diagnose fetal's well being
10. Track your weight gain. Gaining 1 kg/month is a healthy Pregnancy
• Advanced Maternal Age
• Chronic medical conditions such as Cancer, Blood Sugar, High Blood Pressure or Joint Diseases
• Cardiac diseases
• Kidney diseases
• Respiratory diseases
• Liver diseases
• Blood disorders
• Family history of Psychological problems or Birth defects
• Women who have experienced Miscarriages, Pre-term deliveries, Stillbirths, or Neonatal deaths
We at Sakthi Fertility serves best in providing Comprehensive, Integrated care for Diagnosing, Treating and Managing High-risk complicated pregnancies all within a single family-oriented centre. In Udumalpet, Coimbatore and Tamilnadu, many infertility couples are benefitted with our treatment and have a complete family. Sakthi Fertility has skilled specialists in infertility treatment, innovative financing programs, patient friendly, provides best services to fulfil the peoples dream of having a baby. With proper Prenatal & Antenatal care, We provides healthy viable babies. Early detection of defects can save mother & baby. Our expertise Gynaecology doctors at Sakthi Fertility find the defects and save the mother and baby.
For More Information: +91 96 26 200 600
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